Luna Clean Offers Spring Cleaning Tips

Luna Clean has developed a strategic method to help break down the huge chore of cleaning the entire space into realistic tasks and goals.

Below is a sample of some of the spring cleaning tips that Luna Clean offers:

  • Create a flexible, comprehensive plan and put it in paper. Following a plan that is in writing is easier to stick to as opposed to following a plan from memory. Decide when to clean, stick to it and build that time into a schedule.
  • Don’t try to tackle the whole house or office at once; otherwise, you’ll get frustrated and procrastinate. Instead, set a goal to thoroughly clean one or two rooms every couple of days.
  • After you put things where they belong, you can begin cleaning. You will waste time and become discouraged if you have to stop in the middle of what you’re doing just to put something away in another room. Clear that clutter.
  • Gather all chemicals needed before you begin cleaning and carry them from room to room as you go. This prevents unnecessary trips back and forth to your supply cabinet.
  • Clean the room from top to bottom, moving left to right to ensure you don’t overlook door frames, door panels and window sills. Don’t forget the center of the room.
  • Spring is a great time to inspect and clean window treatments. Whether you need to wash blinds, send drapes and sheers to the dry cleaners, or throw washable curtains into the washing machine, getting your window treatments clean after a long, dark winter can brighten an entire room.
  • Dust first – then vacuum. Crumbs, pet hair, etc. will fall to the floor as you’re cleaning. Instead of dusting and vacuuming bedrooms one at a time, first dust and then vacuum all the bedrooms on each level. It saves time.
  • Get your children involved – little children love to sweep the floor and help put laundry away.
By |2015-03-19T17:10:50+00:00March 13th, 2015|Cleaning services|Comments Off on Luna Clean Offers Spring Cleaning Tips

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