Office Cleaning for Companies with Young Workers

Office Cleaning for Companies with Young Workers


Office Cleaning’s More Important Than Ever for Companies with Young Workers


Despite the trend to keep working from home since the Covid-19 breakout, research shows that certain age groups prefer to go into the office. Would you believe that young workers feel the pull of sturdy desks and meeting rooms? Maybe it’s because there’s nothing like clean and tidy working conditions…


Research from Centre of Cities has revealed that of all those in London office jobs, employees aged 18-24 are most likely to work on-site. They work in the office around three days a week compared to their older colleagues (35-44 and 45-54-year-olds) whose office visits average 2.5 days. And Friday is the least favourite day to venture in with only 40% of all workers choosing to commute the day before the weekend.


It seems older workers have been slower to return to office since Covid. Yet, before the pandemic, younger workers enjoyed more of the freedom working from home brought.


In response, Chief Executive of Centre for Cities, Andrew Carter, said: “There’s no substitute for the benefits gained thanks to face-to-face interaction, particularly for younger workers.


“Having access to the wide variety of activities and experiences that offices in city centres offer is crucial for them, and the businesses they work for, to be successful.”


There’s talk that local and central government should encourage a minimum number of days in the office for all workers. But the ‘New Deal for Working People’, which gives employees the right to request a four-day week of compressed hours, suggests they’re going in a different direction.



Why do young workers spend more time in the office?


What’s caused this turnaround? Working from home could make childcare arrangements easier for the over thirties. Not having to commute also means they’ll get more time with their families.


Perhaps younger workers like having more support in the workplace, enjoy the free snacks and love to work in a clean office –– without having to pick up a duster or mop themselves!


After all, research has shown office employees feel more comfortable and are likely to be more productive in a clean workplace. Tork found that 86% of office employees see cleanliness as the most important aspect of a good work environment.


Worthing office cleaning for productivity  


And less than 60 miles from London, we hope those benefiting from our Worthing office cleaning services feel motivated to get more done in their spotless working space.


Smartest Energy Business has certainly made the most of our quality commercial cleaning services for the last eight years. They even said we’re, “a friendly, professional, hardworking team with excellent cleaning standards”.


We offer bespoke commercial cleaning packages that cover everything, from dusting and vacuming to sanitising surfaces and mopping floors, throughout offices and their communal areas.


Are you looking for Worthing cleaners that do a fantastic job, so you can also do a fantastic job? Get in touch for a free quote for some Luna Clean sparkle.



By |2024-09-16T15:22:01+01:00September 16th, 2024|Cleaning services|Comments Off on Office Cleaning for Companies with Young Workers

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