Understanding green cleaning labels for safety and sustainability

Understanding green cleaning labels for safety and sustainability


Green Cleaning for Safety and Sustainability

Did you know that green cleaning products aren’t necessarily better for people?

In aid of World Day for Safety and Heath at Work, Luna Clean highlights how they prioritise staff and client welfare, as well as sustainability, with their commercial cleaning services.


Sustainable cleaning practices

The commercial cleaning sector is not only under more scrutiny since COVID-19 but customer expectations of sustainable products and services have also increased.

Planet Mark hosted a roundtable with representatives from the cleaning sector to work out the challenges and opportunities related to sustainable cleaning practices.

Green cleaning products, made with biodegradable ingredients, were high on the agenda. These were seen as a hopeful way to align customer expectations with long-term business growth.


What are green cleaning products?

But it seems greenwashing is bubbling up in the cleaning industry. There are no regulations for manufacturers when labelling green cleaning products. This means those deemed eco-friendly aren’t always the best choice for our cleaners or clients.

Does “green” mean it contains non-toxic ingredients? Does “green” just mean the bottle’s made from recycled plastic?

Fragrances used in “green cleaning products” often come from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). These can cause sensitivities like those brought on by products containing harsher chemicals.

Research shows that high concentrations of VOCs released indoors can cause:

  • Eye and respiratory irritation
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Allergic skin reactions

Familiar VOCs seen on labels include benzene, ethylene glycol, formaldehyde, methylene chloride and toluene. It’s best to choose unscented cleaning products that are free from chemicals and include a full list of ingredients.

When it comes to determining which cleaning products are truly green, look for a Green Seal. Their certified cleaning products meet a comprehensive criterion for safer chemicals, environmentally preferable packaging and excellent performance. Green seal cleaning products are:

  • Non-toxic
  • Low-VOC
  • Carcinogen-Free
  • Phthalate-Free


Green cleaning equipment  

Talking of “green labelling”, colour-coded cleaning equipment is also important.

Consistently used colours for everything from cloths to buckets in specific areas within a commercial building helps reduce cross-contamination.

Green is used for food preparation areas while red is used for washrooms and other high-risk areas.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Colour-coding, as well as using non-hazardous cleaning products, is crucial for workplace health and safety.

On 28 April, the International Labour Organization celebrates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

This year’s theme explores the impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health, which include increased:

  • Heat stress
  • UV radiation
  • Air pollution
  • Vector-borne diseases
  • Exposure to chemicals

Let’s face it, you want a quality commercial cleaning company that’s going to improve the health and productivity of your workers and customers. Not one that’s going to dimmish it!

Green commercial cleaning you can trust

To experience quality contract cleaning services that will make your workplace happy and healthy, contact us.

By |2024-04-04T14:38:22+01:00April 4th, 2024|Cleaning services|Comments Off on Understanding green cleaning labels for safety and sustainability

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